Thursday, January 15, 2009

Are we human, or are we dancer?

While occupying the pirate house many heated/philosophical debates took place regarding a self-serving, delusional world. This world I speak of is not a place of earth and vegetation, but a fictitious realm where people exist outside themselves and live a life of attention-mongering, commonly known as FACEBOOK.

In the Killer’s hit song ‘human’ a question is posed, “Are we human or are we dancer?” exposing the dehumization of the so-called ‘social networking’ vehicle. Millions, if not billions, of people live their lives via this metaphysical portal forgetting that they are even human.

Some members of the fearless trio stood strong on their abhorrence of Facebook and social-networking in general, while one errant soul dabbled in it to gain a better understanding of this intangible communication medium and its benefits, if any exist.

I am that errant soul spoken of and here I present my findings exposing the true nature of this menacing beast. In a survey conducted by the most globally accredited research firm a haunting truth was uncovered about the participants of Facebook

REASON % of users stated this as their primary reason for using Facebook Actual % of users primary reason for using Facebook
Keeping in touch with old friends 41.9% 2.4%
Meeting new people with similar interests 38.1% 6.7%
Means of communicating with friends and collegues 13.8% 10.5%
Living a fantasy life 0.9% 12.4%
Researching people (i.e. stalking) 3.0% 33.6%
Attention-getting 2.1% 34.2%
Destruction of the world 0.2% 0.2%

The data is overwhelming. Facebook is being used as a means of attention-mongering, stalking and worst of all living a life of nonhuman, quite possibly as a dancer… If you were to look out your window and constantly seem the same person staring at you and watching you, your reaction would be undoubtedly to call the police, which would lead to the filing of a restraining order. On Facebook (known as FB by its loyal followers) this type of behavior is not only tolerated, but interpreted as flirting and that someone is interested. Would you date the man standing outside your window all day and night watching your every move?

If you were to walk outside your front door and see spray painted on the side of your house the words, “what’s up bud?! Long time no see” would you be happy? Is the message even for you or for your neighbors to see? This kind of activity in the human world would constitute a white jacket that ties behind the back and yet it is the most popular trend on the FB.

Many secret agents after spending a long time undercover forget themselves and become lost in their cover identity. If not stopped soon this same effect will take place all across the world with the millions of FB users and many will be lost forever. This is a grave problem that must be addressed and it has yet to make it on congress’ docket. Please do something before we are lost…

“Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight?
There is no message we're receiving
Let me know, is your heart still beating?”


  1. Beautifully done. You have added flame to this fire i have against facebook.

  2. I just spent the last two hours going over Social Networking with some of the most brilliant-minded, successful businessmen I will ever meet (it didn't hurt their net worth was over $1B). Although stalking is clearly the most obvious and commonly stereotyped trend of "the Facebook", you might be interested in the following stats:
    Once (self) controlled and used for good, Facebook and other social networking sites (Twitter, SixApart, Ning, even Myspace & Youtube) can become great tools in advancing ideas and relationships, which will undoubtedly result in greater success for future business ventures. On the social side of things, Papa got a friend request today from a lady he baptized in England in 1978. His mindset IMMEDIATELY changed from holding hands with Andy around the bonfire against facebook, to taking a leak on that same fire and realizing that it really can be something of great value, the difference is how YOU use it. Sure, it's really easy to just email our friends and families from Guatemala, but the fact remains that we simply don't do it...well, speaking for myself, it has been MUCH easier to stay in contact with Jorge and Mayra as we are constantly sending messages back and forth via Facebook. Silly? Maybe. But functional? Absolutely. Facebook allows you to use it for whatever purpose you wish, with limited profiles, grouping, etc., so give it a try and bad comes to worse...delete it. Whether it's Facebook or some other tool yet to come to light, the entire WORLD will be connected for the better. Digo yo.
    "Thank you for listening to Audie-O, please turn the cassette tape over for side 2..."

  3. PS, I was being FaceTious about holding hands around the Facebook bonfire :)
